St Benedict!

Catholic Family of Blessings and Care

Parish Office:Opens Monday to Friday.

9:00am - 2:30pm

Our Pastoral Team

Welcome to St Benedict's Catholic Church

Efab Estate, Logokoma, Abuja, Nigeria

Important Notice!

The system of BCC will now be used for the mass schedule. As a result, four masses will be celebrated on sundays based on Basic Catholic Communities in order to manage the number of persons attending a mass. We encourage Parishioners who live outside of the mentioned Estates to join any of the BCC closer to them as preferred.

All Masses will be celebrated at the Parish Centre. No Mass at Doveland for now and no societal meeting for now!

  • WEEKDAY MASSES - Morning Mass 6:00am - Evening Mass 6:00 pm

  • Mass Schedule Based on BCC

    First Mass - 6:30 am
    • ST JOHN DE BELOVED BCC Efab Estate and environs
    • ST GABRIEL'S BCC Jubilation Estates and environs.
    Second Mass - 8:30 am
    • ST MONICA'S BCC Nzube Estate and Environs.
    • ST MICHAEL'S BCC First generation Estate and Environs.
    • ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI'S BCC Minfa 1 Estates and environs.
    Third Mass - 10:30 am
    • ST CHRISTOPHER'S BCC Basic Estate and Environs.
    • ST AGATHA'S BCC Sahara 4 Estate and environs.
    Fourth Mass - 6:00 pm
    • ST MARY'S BCC Little Acorn Environs.
    • ST RAPHAEL'S BCC FRSC Estates and environs.


    For contact tracing, we encourage every person attending Mass to write down his or her name, mobile number with working email (if available) and Address on a sheet of paper and drop is in a basket provided for the purpose. We plead that all parishioners will humbly follow the directives of the church workers for our collective safety.

    Families are advised to stay together during worship. We advise those abbove 65 years and below 8 years including those with health issues to please stay at home.

    Thanksgiving can be done by booking Mass and bringing items but not usual thanksgiving procession.

    For Child Dedication, only the immediate family members will carry their child to the front of the Altar and the Priest will bless them.

    The use of electronic / bank transfer for offering and thanksgiving is strongly encouraged. FCMB -ST BENEDICT'S CATHOLIC CHURCH LOKOGOMA 2610980014

    We plead that all parishioners will humbly follow the directives of the Church workers for our collective safety.

    For more info call 2347034556446 or 2349024430869

    God bless you abundantly.

    Our Events

    Past Event


    2025-01-23-Parish Event
       Thu, 23rd Jan, 2025 | 07:00 am  -   Thu, 23rd Jan, 2025 | 08:00 am

    Church Activities

    Sunday Masses & Activities

    First Mass - 6:30am
    Second Mass - 8:30am
    Third Mass - 10:30am
    Fourth Mass - 6:00pm

    Catechism Class




    Week Days

    Monday to Friday - 6:00am & 6:00pm Except Wednesday
    Evening Mass at Various BCC - 6:00pm to 7:30pm



    Public Holidays


    Catechism Classes

    Saturday - 4:00pm
    Sunday - 3:00pm

    Parish Office

    9:00pm - 1:30pm
    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

    Catechist Office

    Tuesday to Friday - 9:00am - 2:00pm
    Thursdays & Fridays Evening Section 6:30pm - 7:30pm

    Marriage Course (Quarterly)

    Saturday - 9:00am
    Sunday - 6:00pm

    Our News

    Recent Parish Announcements

    1. BISHOP’S VISIT TO THE PARISH: A total of 167 candidates were confirmed during the visit by the Auxiliary Bishop and hosting of the Bishop was well attended ...
    *PARISH FAMILY CELEBRATION* The Feast of the Holy Family is on Friday 30th of December. 1. The Family Mass will be by 9am in the Parish. Every Family is encouraged ...
    ST. BENEDICT’S CATHOLIC PARISH LOKOGOMA, ABUJA CELEBRATES CULTURAL DAY IN GRAND STYLEThe Catholic Church celebrates the Holy Mass as the highest form of the celebration and also organizes ...
    HIGHLIGHT OF PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL (PPC) MEETING HELD ON Saturday 9TH JULY, 20222022 HARVEST COMMITTEE UPDATE/REPORT: The 2022 Harvest Committee program of activities have started. This year’s harvest ...
    APPRECIAITION: The PPC, led by the Parish Priest Rev Fr John Sixtus Okonkwo and his Assistant, Rev Fr Boniface Neibo appreciate all our Parishioners for their exceptional commitment ...
    *MUSICAL CONCERT*St Benedict's Parish Lokogoma specially invites you to *REJOICE* our Parish Musical Concert on Sunday 1st May 2022 by 4pm at the Parish Center.Come, let's worship God ...

    Our Homilies

    Our sunday and weekdays homilies.

    Living in God's Amazing Grace!

    24 Hours Sacramental Life